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Home Helper for Elderly.

Do you want to age in your own home? Learn about Chicago home care services that can help you keep your freedom while allowing you to stay at home longer.  

What does it mean to age in place?

Rather than relocating into a retirement or long-term care facility, ageing in place involves staying in your own home for as long as possible as you get older. If you only need little assistance with everyday tasks, have a tight network of family and friends nearby, and can use the correct home care services to meet your needs, ageing in place may be a viable option. You can decide if ageing in place is the best method for you to keep your freedom and make the most of your golden years by looking into the many services offered.  

How home care services can assist you in remaining in your house as you age

While it may be difficult to admit, after the age of 65, most of us will require some form of care help. You may be accustomed to doing everything yourself, splitting responsibilities with your spouse, or enlisting the support of family members for basic household tasks. However, as you age and your circumstances change, going around and caring for yourself might become increasingly challenging. If you don’t want to move to a retirement community, assisted living facility, or nursing home, home care services may be able to help you stay in your own home for longer.  

The following are examples of home care services:

Maintenance of the home.

It takes a lot of effort to keep a household functioning smoothly. You might investigate laundry, shopping, gardening, housekeeping, and handyman services if you’re having trouble keeping up. Financial and healthcare management may be beneficial if you’re having problems keeping track of payments and appointments.


For older people, transportation is a major concern. Perhaps you find driving difficult or dislike driving at night. Trains, buses, ride share applications, reduced-fare taxis, and senior transportation services can all help you keep your independence and social network.

Modifications to the home.

If your mobility is deteriorating, home renovations can help you stay in your current home while making it comfortable and accessible. Grab bars in the shower, ramps to avoid or limit the need of stairs, or even a new bathroom on the ground floor are all examples of modifications.

Health-care services.

Some healthcare services, such as occupational therapy, social work, and home health nursing, can be offered at home by trained experts. Check with your insurance company or health-care provider to see what kind of coverage is available, though you may have to pay some of the costs yourself. Hospice care can also be delivered in the comfort of your own home.

Daytime programs are available.

Adult daycare or day programs can keep you occupied with activities and interaction during the day while giving your caregivers a break. Some daycare centers are largely social, while others offer limited health services or specialize in illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease in its early stages.  

Is it possible for you to age in place?

As you get older, it’s normal to desire to stay at home. As we confront the inevitable losses that come with ageing, the familiar can be soothing, and your home is likely packed with happy memories and your neighborhood with familiar faces. Taking a step back to consider the larger picture, on the other hand, can help you decide whether staying at home for the long haul is the best option for you. Too often, decisions to leave home are made hastily in the aftermath of a tragic loss or health crisis, making the adjustment more difficult. Planning of time and researching available home care services might make it easier to make the best decision for you and your family. Of course, everyone’s needs are different, depending on things like how much help you have, your overall health and mobility, and your financial status. Here are some things to think about while weighing your alternatives for ageing in place and home care:

Accessibility and location.

What is the location of your residence? Do you live in a rural or suburban region where you have to drive a lot? Is public transportation safe and easy to use if you live in a more urban area? How long does it take you to get to places like the store or a doctor’s appointment? It’s also crucial to think about how close you are to community services and activities.

Accessibility and upkeep of the home.

Is it simple to make changes to your home? Is there a steep climb or a lot of steps to get there? Do you have a huge yard that requires regular maintenance?

There is assistance available.

Are you surrounded by family and friends? What level of involvement do they have? Are they able to give you with the assistance you require? Many older folks prefer to rely on family for assistance, but as your demands grow, they may not be able to meet them all. Care giving can be physically and emotionally draining, especially when the focus is on a single person, such as a spouse or child. If you’re willing to accept advice from multiple sources, your relationships may be healthier.


Isolation can quickly creep established if leaving home without assistance becomes difficult or impossible. You might not be able to engage in hobbies you used to enjoy, keep active in community service that kept you motivated, or see friends and family. It’s a recipe for depression to lose these relationships and support.

Medical problems.

Nobody can tell what will happen in the future. If you or your spouse has a chronic medical condition that is projected to worsen over time, it’s even more crucial to consider how you’ll deal with health and mobility issues. What are the most prevalent side effects of your disease, and how will you deal with them?


Making a budget with projected spending will assist you in weighing the benefits and drawbacks of your scenario. Alternative arrangements, such as assisted living, might be costly, but significant in-home aid, especially at higher levels of care and live-in or 24-hour coverage, can quickly become costly as well.

The viewpoints of your family.

Naturally, you have the last say on where you wish to reside, but family members’ input might be beneficial. Are they concerned about your safety or a health issue that will require extensive treatment in the future? It’s crucial to listen to people’s concerns and keep an open mind.    

Accepting the fact that your level of independence is changing

When you find you can’t do the things you used to be able to accomplish, it’s natural to feel puzzled, vulnerable, or even angry. You could feel bad about having to rely on others to do activities you’ve been used to doing on your own. You might be apprehensive about having “strangers” in your home. You’ll be able to cope with your change in situation better if you acknowledge these feelings and keep your mind open to new ways to make life easier. You may also be able to extend other aspects of your independence for longer if you acknowledge these feelings and keep your mind open to new ways to make life easier.

Allow yourself to be patient.

Losing independence is a natural aspect of growing older, and it is not a show of weakness. Allow yourself to be upset or frustrated over changes in your home care scenario without berating or labeling yourself a failure.

Keep your mind open to new alternatives.

Your family and friends may be able to recommend home care services to make your life easier. Rather of dismissing them outright, keep an open mind and discuss the possibilities. New experiences and conditions can sometimes lead to the formation of new friendships or the discovery of new opportunities. Try out a few services for free. A trial run gives you the opportunity to try out the benefits of home care services without committing to anything long-term.

Locating the best in-home care services

Once you’ve determined your requirements, you’ll need to choose which home care services are appropriate for you and where to look for the best providers. Of course, entrusting your house or personal care to others, especially strangers, can be daunting. You may calm your anxieties by doing some basic research, whether you hire a home care service provider directly or through an agency. Begin by asking family, friends, or neighbors for recommendations. A neighbor could, for example, check in on you on a regular basis or give yard upkeep. Local religious organizations occasionally provide meals or social activities for senior citizens. Inquire of your acquaintances to see if they have any caregivers they can recommend. Referrals may be available from your doctor or another healthcare provider. Full-service agencies are typically more expensive, but they give screened candidates who have previously undergone background checks. Because the caregiver is employed by the agency, billing and tax issues are handled by them. They could also be bonded for crimes like theft. An agency can typically find a substitute for a caregiver who quits or isn’t working out promptly and may also provide coverage if a caregiver calls in ill. Independent services are typically less expensive, but they involve more legwork on your part. You’ll have to take care of any tax obligations as well as background checks and identity verification. You’ll also be responsible for finding a replacement provider in the event of illness or abrupt termination.  

Having a conversation with a loved one about home care services

Seeing someone you care about struggle to care for oneself may be frightening and heartbreaking. Declines can occur gradually, or they might be triggered by an abrupt change in health or a substantial loss. If you’re concerned about a loved one’s safety or the condition of their home for any reason, it’s crucial to approach the matter with caution.

Without blaming, express your worries as your own.

An elder relative may be more receptive to your genuine demonstrations of concern. Instead of stating, “It’s evident you can’t take care of yourself anymore,” say, “It’s clear you can’t take care of yourself anymore.” “Something must be done,” try “I’ve been very concerned about you.” It makes me sad to think you may not be getting everything you require. “What do you think we should do?” says the narrator.

Respect the autonomy of your loved one and include them in decision-making.

Unless your loved one is unconscious, it is up to them to make the final decision concerning their care. You may assist by making recommendations and suggestions for home care services. What alternative possibilities are there if you’re concerned that home care won’t suffice? Instead of trying to impose a permanent answer, frame it as something to test temporarily.

Look for the true reasons for any reluctance.

A loved one who refuses to accept help may be afraid of losing their ability to perform things that were once simple. It may be more convenient to deny it and minimize any potential complications. Maybe they’re grieving the loss of a loved one or frustrated that they can’t interact with pals as easily as they used to. Or perhaps they are apprehensive about having strangers in their home.  

Enlist the assistance of others.

Does your loved one have any friends or family members who have used home care services? Speaking with individuals who have had excellent experiences can assist to alleviate the dread of the unknown. An independent third person, such as a doctor or geriatric care manager, can sometimes help a loved one realize that things need to change.

Contact your local Right Choice Home Care office today to schedule a free in-home consultation and learn more about our caregiver services.

Call us at (866) 799-5955 right now!


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